
Thursday, August 28, 2008


Diabetes are conditions caused by high blood sugar. There are two(2) types of diabetes: child-onset diabetes and adult-onset diabetes. Child on-set diabetes is thought to develop through cross reaction between the a protein in milk and beef and a protein in the pankreas. This can occur if genetically susceptible infants are fed dairy products or beef in their first few months, before their digestive tract and immune system are fully matured. Adult-onset diabetes is usually a consequence of poor eating habits (too much sugar and stimulants), often proceeded by hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Diabetes is an extreme form of blood sugar imbalance. This condition arises when the body can no longer produce sufficient insulin, a hormone that helps carry glucose out of the blood and into the cells. The net result is too much glucose in the blood and not enough for the cells. One of the telltale signs is continuous raging thirst as the body tries to dilute excess blood sugar by stimulating us to drink. Ensuring that adrenal hormones, insulin and glucose tolerance factor are properly produced by the liver is fundamental in dealing with all forms of glucose intolerance and diabetes. Particularly important are vitamin C, B3, B5 and zinc and chromium.

Diet advise

The key to a diabetic diet is to keep the blood sugar level even. This is best achieved by eating little and often, choosing foods that contains slow releasing carbohydrates plus some protein. This means eating some nuts with fruit, "seed" vegetables like corn, peas, green beans, or while grains, beans or lentils, which contain both slow-releasing carbohydrates and protein. Avoid all sugars and all forms of concentrated sweetness, such as concentrated fruit juice, and even excesses of faster releasing fruit such as dates and bananas or of dried fruit. Also avoid too many adrenal stimulants such as tea, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes and salt.

  • 2 x multivitamin and multimineral
  • 2 x vitamin C, 1,000mg
  • Zinc 15mg
  • Chromium 200mcg
Nutritionist Suggestions
  • Vegetable protein
  • B Complex
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Omega 3
  • Multivitamin + multimineral

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