
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How qi works


Exploring the healing fundamentals of qigong.

FROM the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the balance of Yin and Yang is vital. To achieve this balance, proper diet and qi flow to various organs must be healthy. In addition, both the physical body and the mind and spirit must be healthy and balanced as well.

Maintaining a perfect balance between Yin and Yang will result in optimal health. An imbalance of Yin and Yang causes disharmony and illness in the physical body. Energetic dysfunction at the physical level may be reflected by imbalances in the meridians of the body.

For every organ, there is energetic flow through a set of two meridians. The equal flow of qi energies through the right and left meridians of the body reflects the basic Yin and Yang concept.

It can be said that everything is composed of Yin and Yang in differing proportions; when the proportions are relatively balanced, harmony prevails. Yin and Yang imbalance is mainly caused by blockage or depletion of qi flow in the body, and this will cause sicknesses to occur.

Yin and Yang in the body

The Yin and Yang theory is based on the idea that all phenomena are the product of and influenced by the interaction between nature’s two polar tendencies. This polarisation is reflected in our daily lives, for example, by the union of man and woman; the mechanics of electricity; the merging of day and night.

Yin and Yang are complementary opposites and describe the process of change in the relative world. Below are some examples:

·Mind (Yin) and physical body (Yang)

·Acid (Yin) and alkaline (Yang)

·Blood flow to the heart (Yin) and from the heart (Yang)

·Solid organs (Yin) and hollow organs (Yang)

·Cold (Yin) and hot (Yang)

An example of Yin and Yang dynamics is the pH level (relative acidity or alkalinity) of the body. By changing breathing patterns, the lungs immediately compensate for a change in pH. Deeper breaths blow off carbon dioxide. This creates less carbonic acid in the buffer system. By simply breathing more deeply, the body becomes more alkaline. By the same token, shallow breathing allows carbon dioxide to accumulate, leading to a more acidic environment.

From the Western medical perspective, the body consists of 14 major systems. In anatomical and physiological terms, there are muscular, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, immune, reproductive, endocrine systems and so on. In general, the body is in homeostasis when its needs are being met and its functions are occurring smoothly.

Virtually every organ system plays a role in maintaining the constancy of the healthy internal environment. Communication within the body is essential for homeostasis, and this is accomplished primarily by the nervous and endocrine systems.

Healing fundamentals

In qigong healing, the body is perceived to consist of the physical and invisible body. In the invisible body, also known as the qi body, we believe there are three layers of qi bodies, namely internal qi, protective qi and external qi. These are also termed by some as the physical, emotional and spiritual aura fields. Any imbalance of qi flow at any of this levels will cause sickness.

Is qi or energy scientifically proven? There has been much research conducted in this field. Interestingly, scientists discovered some important and interesting facts related to qi:

1. The energy body has many energy channels through which qi flows. These energy channels are located at similar “routes” to the meridians.

2. The energy body has several energy centres that absorb, digest, and distribute qi and are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body. These are located at a similar location to the Dan Tians and Chakras.

3. Some energy centres are related to psychic centres and emotions.

4. Qi can be activated internally and obtained from the environment through sunlight, air, and trees.

5. The visible physical body and its energy body are so closely interrelated that what affects one also affects the other.

6. A strong protective qi field acts as a protective shield against germs and infection.

7. Sicknesses in the physical body often starts from the energy body.

8. Medical qigong treatment is to heal the energy body, leading to the healing of the physical body.

There are many qigong systems and techniques. They use similar key principles to achieve the healthy flow and balancing of Yin and Yang. The key techniques in qigong practice are as below:

·Various qigong breathing methods to stimulate different types of qi flow.

·Special movements to stimulate the flow of qi to different parts of the body.

·Using special sound vibrations to stimulate and enhance the organs.

·Visualisation to achieve calmness of mind and nervous system.

I will introduce and discuss these techniques in subsequent articles.

Master Tan Soo Kong is the founder of Wellness Medical Qigong (WMQ). For further information, e-mail

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