
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pillars of Health

I have been sharing a lot about this to my friends and relatives lately so I thought why not I just share it out here.

There are 4 pillars to health:
(E) Exercise
(A) Attitude
(R) Rest
(N) Nutrition

1. Exercise - Try to exercise as much as you can. I think you already know this part :). Note however, if you exercise your body produces a lot of free radicals and these free radicals will in turn harm your body cells and makes your body work harder to repair itself. This is the reason why some people do fall sick after a heavy exercise. Do remember to take a diet or supplements containing a lot of anti-oxidants and drink a lot of water. After exercise, you should drink until your urine becomes clear :)

2. Attitude - This is basically your discipline and how determined are you to stick to your exercise regime, staying off late snacks etc

3. Rest - Ensure you get enough rest every night. If possible, sleep and wake-up at the same time each day. If you need 8 hours sleep, make sure you get that EVERY night, else your sleep debt will be paid in kind by your health. Irregular sleep patterns affects our hormone production and hormone imbalance might in turn causes problems like acne and hair loss. In addition, insufficient rest results in the body not repairing itself properly and inefficiency in disposing of toxins from our body

4. Nutrition - You could be doing all the above right but if this is lacking then it could be the cause of your illnesses There could be 2 potential causes:
i) Lack of nutrition
Whatever nutrition that we get from our food are first channeled to our 4 key organs - heart, liver, kidney and lungs. Whatever leftovers are then channeled to the rest of the organs. Whatever left over from there goes to the non-vital stuffs like our nails and hair. Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals through your diet. In this day and age, it is difficult to get sufficient all the required vitamins and mineral through diet so you might want to consider taking supplements. You may want to research on vitamins and minerals that acts as anti-oxidants (A,C,E, Zinc, Selenium, Omega 3 + 6 etc). If we are squeezed dry of water, our body is actually made up of 80% protein. Yes, our hair, organs, immune systems etc are made of protein. Think of it as the main composition of our body - a very good analogy would be sand (used to make bricks, cements etc) as the main composition of a building. Our daily protein intake should be (1.1 x body weight in kg)g. So if you are 70kg then you should take around 77g of protein. Whenever possible try abstaining from taking protein from red meat - the best source is from vegetables, beans and also from fish.

ii) Body is clogged up
Excess hormones in our body are channeled by our blood to the kidney. However, if the kidney is clogged up with toxins then this process could be slow. You should have regular bowel movement. The fecal in our intestine contains toxin waste and if left too long it would seep back into our body in a process called autotoxification. In short - have a regular toilet habit. Stay off food that contains hormones. Cow's milk and chicken are some of the food you should be aware of. The hormones injected to cows and chicken do get passed on to us and its effect is magnified if it gets into our bloodstream.

How does the EARN works in synergy?

I believe every should start from nutrition. If we eat right and have all the right and complete nutrition our body needs to function optimally then we would be able to function optimally as well. For one, we would be able to sleep right this is especially true for people who have insomnia or other sleep problems. When we have enough rest, we would have the energy to exercise after each day and would be able to recover from fatigue faster hence less tired after a day's work. Through exercise we enhance our body's bloodflow rate enabling the transportation of nutrition to our organs. Exercise also enable us to sweat - aiding in the detoxification process. To do all the above, we need to have positive attitude. Self discipline and a positive outlook plays an important role to keep you going.

This article is a lil incomplete. I'll update this again soon.

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